Rocking The Blog World.............Hard As Fack

Friday, July 15, 2011

More Proof That I Am A Loser

It's time again for an easy blog, that won't take more than 5 minutes, you know the type, a sort of thoughts of the week if you will. So, with out further adieu, start the clock.

- Jose Bautista better be fine, if that ankle is facked, so are the Jays hopes of any type of success, and my hopes of looking some what smart with my VERY lofty predictions...... 91 wins.... really? I am a loser.

Joey Bats, please be ok!
- The British Open is going on right now, I don't care about Mcilroy, or no Tiger, or anything like that, what I care about is why in the hell did they change the name to "The Open Championship". Who the shit do they think they are that they can go and change the name of my second favorite golf Major. We all know it's the British Open, we all call it the British Open, so why would they change it to The Open?? That's like me changing my name to "The Nickel" Imagine if I did that? What a HUGE loser right?

C'mon Man!
- Time Check - 1 minute and 45 seconds, good pace Gary, keep it up!

My Favorite Rider, Lance Frazier
- The Riders are 0 and 2....... and I honestly don't care, but Lance Frazier is my new favorite Rider, because he said my name, sort of like when a girl becomes my favorite girl, by saying my name....... They will win tomorrow though, because I picked Hamilton.

-  The NFL lock out looks to be all but settled, that's great news, I think running a Fantasy League through Madden 12 would have been a really big sign of how big of a loser I am.

- Time Check - 3 minutes, almost home big guy, don't let me down know!

- Roger Clemens is a free man thanks to a really dumb prosecution......... I don't know what to think of this, I guess the fact that it only took two days for the trial to become a mistrial says a lot about how money talks right?

Can't you picture Roger going up to all of them and saying "All right fuckers, I will give each of you 2 million dollars each to present this evidence, that they TOLD you not to, and then we will all walk away happy, and if you say no, a fastball to the head, seriously, I still throw in the high 90's, so don't fuck with me!"

Count Cockula rides a mean bike!
- The Tour De France is awesome, in highlight form anyways, those crashes are fantastic, sort of reminds me of riding the bumps over at Meadowlark Park with Verno and Count Cockula.


4 minutes and 20 seconds, well played kind sir, well played.

This weekend's Podcast is going to be HUGE! Be sure to check it out.

If you want to join the blog party, feel free to do so by clicking on the beautiful piece of Man Meat here:

So, until next week,  Trojan Horse says "I miss my little Silky! " Take Care.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

An Interview With Deadspin's Masked Man

I used to be a HUGE wrestling fan, nowadays, not so much. A favorite website of mine called Deadspin has a column that they run called "Dead Wrestler Of The Week". It is probably the most well written column I have ever come across, so I decided to get to know the author of the column, David Shoemaker (aka The Masked Man of Grantland and Deadspin).

Hulkamania? Yes Please!
1. I have been a Hogan/Warrior fan since I was a little kid, but I am sure someone way more informed like you must have a nice list of favorite wrestlers, so who is your favorite wrestle of all time and why?
The answer was always Mr. Perfect (for reasons outlined pretty well in my Deadspin piece on him: ), although when Savage died, in researching him and writing about him, I realized that it’s hard not to have him at the top of the list.  He had a sort of psychopath super-stardom that ages really well – he was epic when I was a kid, of course, but he’s even greater in retrospect.

The Masked Man's favorite ever.... tough to argue!
2. What was your favorite Feud of all time? I loved the build up to Micheals and Razor in the first ever ladder match.
This is a tough one.  I’m sure I’ll forget something really obvious, but:
Flair vs. Steamboat, maybe?  That seemed like the biggest deal of my life when it was happening, and it really holds up to this day.  
Nothing from my childhood approaches the Von Erichs versus the Freebirds -- there was something so real and vital about it. 
Bret vs. Owen is probably the cream of the crop for modern storylines – it lasted a long time (probably out of necessity, since the WWE’s roster was pretty thin then), weaving in and out of other feuds.  Maybe it was accidental, but it was really well done.
And I’m tempted to say Austin vs. Bret, but I really only think of the one double-turn match when I think of that feud.

The cream of the feud crop.... the guy on the left was not a nugget!
3. I am sure you have a great story about a wrestler that the world needs to know about, can you share one of those with me?
Maybe this will come as a shock, but I know nothing that’s not already out there.  My few unique stories have mostly found their way into the writing I’ve done so far.  My writing is largely a product of watching wrestling and reading about wrestling, not conducting interviews or the like.  Although, who knows – that could certainly change over time.

4. What do you think about the current state of wrestling as a whole? I was an 80"s / 90's super fan, so I think wrestiling is pretty shitty right now, of course I am right... right?

I think it’s okay.  The WWE is really doing some things now that have me hopeful.  (It’s lucky that this coincided with my Grantland gig, to be honest.)  I don’t know if it’s Triple H’s backstage influence as a lot of folks are saying, but I feel like there’s a lot going in the right direction there all the sudden.  

TNA has been sort really up and down, but maybe some of these X-Division guys they’re focusing on now will stick; It’s trite, I know but focusing on those guys may be the only way they’re going to break out.  (Although personally, I think it’d help to not ghettoize them, but what do I know?)  
ROH has some incredible stuff going on, though when I watch them I’m mostly compelled by the guys who I think could end up in the WWE someday – not out of some WWE fetishization, but probably because WWE and NWA/WCW are so firmly rooted in me as a frame of reference.  
So in all those cases there’s a lot of optimism for the future built in.   It’s not as great as it has been, but we may be headed for something a whole lot better.  We can always hope.

Could this guy be the reason for the WWE's resurgence?
5. Anything else you want to add?
Nah, not really.  Thanks for reading though.  And for the record, here’s where to find me:
Twitter at @AKATheMaskedMan


There you go, thanks again to the Masked Man for taking the time to do this! He is awesome.

This weekend's Podcast is going to be HUGE! Be sure to check it out.

If you want to join the blog party, feel free to do so by clicking on the beautiful piece of Man Meat here:

So, until next week,  Trojan Horse says "I miss my little Silky! " Take Care.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Have You Heard About The Booty Pillow?

Now I know this is supposed to be a sports related blog, but something caught my eye, and I had to (Pardon the pun) get to the bottom of it.

Have you ever heard of the booty pillow? Me either, so I decided to get a hold of Co Founders of the Booty Pillow, Lull Mengesha and Nic McGrue, as well as Promotions Manager Troy Tsuchikawao to see what the heck is going on here?????

******* Editor's Note - This was done last week, before the Boston Bruins destroyed the Canucks in the Stanley Cup Final!********

Nice logo!
1. So tell me the story about how the Booty Pillow came to be.

Lull: One day I was hanging out and relaxing with a girl I was dating. She was laying on her stomach reading a book, I ended up resting my head in the small of her back.  It was pretty comfortable, so much so that I feel asleep. When she needed to get up, I said, "Man I wish I could just have your butt to lay on whenever I want to." She laughed at me, but I was actually being serious.

Nic:  Lull always comes up with crazy ideas and shoots them by me to see what I think.  He called me the next day and told me the story.  I, as many people do when they hear about the product, burst into laughter, but I immediately saw the vision and really wanted to get to work and make it happen.  Lull and I started working on it right away.  We occasionally used Troy for our different graphic design needs and requirements. He was very helpful and brought a lot to the table so we were happy to eventually add him to the Booty Pillow Team.

Lucky Guy!
2. Just to be clear, this is not a sex toy right? It's basically just a sexy pillow?

Troy: Haha. No it's not a sex toy. It really is meant to be a pillow. I sleep on it every night.  Besides its obvious humor, it's actually very comfortable.  But I mean, we have no control over what people do with it once they buy it.  I figure if someone wants some bad enough, they could turn your standard feather pillow into a sex toy I guess. 

So many options, I love them all!
3. If I buy one, will girls be disturbed when they walk into my bedroom (if that ever happens), and see one of these? If yes, what do I tell them to make sure they are still interested in having a nice little time with me.

Nic:  When girls see it in my room, they either start laughing quite a bit, or say "What the heck is this!?!"  It's probably even worse for me because I have 2 or 3 Booty Pillows thrown about my bed at any given time, so it might be a little overload for some girls.  For the ones that are a bit apprehensive, you just have to let them try it out. When they actually are able to see and feel that it really is comfortable, their disturbance goes away.

Soooooo Romantic!
4. If I get one of these, can I tell people that I now have a girlfriend? Because I get made fun of lots for not having a girlfriend.

Lull:  I wouldn't say you have a girlfriend, but you can be creative with your wording when people inquire.  Like if someone asks if you're dating someone, say, "Oh, I've got a little something that I get some cuddle action from." Or the next time people make fun of you for not having a girlfriend say, "Hey, I've got something special to go home to at night so I'm all good." It's the truth right? They can take that to mean whatever they want.

5. Since this is supposed to be a Sports Blog of sorts, you guys like hockey? If so, who you got to win the cup? 

Troy: We're from Seattle so we've gotta represent our neighbors to the north and say Go Canucks!  We were actually thinking about heading up there this weekend. I bet the scene in Vancouver is pretty fun right now. We'd love to spread a little Booty Pillow love to a rowdy Canucks crowd.
So there you have it, if you want a Booty Pillow, you can check out the boys website by clicking this link:

This weekend's Podcast is going to be HUGE! Be sure to check it out.

If you want to join the blog party, feel free to do so by clicking on the beautiful piece of Man Meat here:

So, until next week,  Trojan Horse says "I miss my little Silky! " Take Care.

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Little Interview With Your Boy Cabbie From TSN

*******I want to dedicate this one to my boy the Silkamatic 5000...... thank you for being a constant reminder of how precious life is, you have made me a better person, and I am so proud of you and everything you have done. I love you.*******

Cabbie is back in the sports world, so I thought I would check in and ask him what the hell he was doing on the Merylin Denis show! C'mon man!

1. So Cabbie, how does it feel to be back in the sports game? I know a lot of your fans out West have missed you and your unique sense of humor, since most sports fans don't know who Merylin Denis is.

CAB: it's cool to be back. I'm fortunate that people have responded to my interviews the way they have in the past. Still got messages from people asking me where I went and why I left sports. I appreciated all of the feedback. As for Marilyn Denis, I'm having a blast working with her and on her show. I love the opportunity to express myself in a different light and to a different audience.

2. What can we look for from this new gig? Please tell me it will be just like your old gig, because you were hilarious man!
CAB: Always best to keep your expectations low. That's what I usually tell women and I'm extending that to you.

Cab at the All Star game, lucky guy!
3.  Out of all your escapades over the years, give me your favorite funny story.

CAB: in Houston during the NBA All Star Weekend, I was interviewing the Western Conference All Stars. Room's packed with media and I'm wearing a stupid cowboy hat. I approach Steve Nash to ask him why everything is bigger in the state of Texas . Due to my interview style as a close talker, I like to keep my breath fresh, so I was chewing gum. As I'm asking the question, the gum falls out of my mouth and into the MVP's lap. Dead center. Steve, who's sitting in his locker, looks up at me confused and utters, "did you just spit gum into my crotch?" I sure did. It was tremendously embarrassing.

What a handsome fella!
4. Seeing you build your relationship with Kobe Bryant has inspired me to try to get the same type of relationship with you. Will you be my Kobe?  If the answer is yes, then go to question 5.

CAB: you should set your goals higher. But if you wanna come hang out in the city, you're more than welcomed to.

Cab and Kobe!
5. Are you coming to Saskatoon again for the Jarret Stoll Celebrity Golf Classic? If so, can I be your offical host in town? I like to think I know all hot spots, where the, how do you say "Fly Honies" be at. Wouldn't that be a great way to start our new relationship together?

CAB: if you ever write "fly honnies" again, I'm gonna drop kick you into the Saskatchewan river...actually, Jarret and I will do it together.

6. Is there anything you would like to say to all your fans in Saskatchewan?

CAB: where did all your hills go?


So there you go, just another big time interview getting knocked out, no big deal.

This weekend's Podcast is going to be HUGE! Be sure to check it out.

If you want to join the blog party, feel free to do so by clicking on the beautiful piece of Man Meat here:

So, until next week,  Trojan Horse says "For fack's sake, Smile, life is too damn short to be a dick!" Take Care.

Friday, May 27, 2011

My Interview With One Of The Vancouver Green Men

So I have to say that this is probably the best interview I have ever done. The man's name is Sully, and all I can really say is....... enjoy! 
G - How did all this "Green Man" business get started?
S - Well we were supposed to hit a Seahawks game and my suit came in the mail a day late. I was very pleased by this because I had paid double for shipping! None the less, we had tickets to a Nucks game a few days later and thought why not. The rest is history.

The infamous handstand!!
With the infamous boob flashing aimed at the Shark's Ben Eager, do you feel like you guys need to up the anti? Those were some magnificent taters.

I've never heard a lady's breasts referred to as "taters" but I like the phrase. We brought a bra and a sign saying "someone left this in our seats last game" and that got the crowd going. Dude, who are we kidding, how are two guys in spandex going to one-up a girls "taters"? It'd be impossible.

A quick workout!
 I imagine it gets pretty hot in those suits, how sweaty does your junk get?

 I'm proud to announce my goods stay cool and climatized. My suit has never been to the repair shop and has quite a few miles on it. There's a convenient slight tear on the lower portion that allows me to breath.
How do you keep a straight face with that going on?
Do you guys have any special plans for the Cup Final?
Sorry...can't let the cat out of the bag my friend.

Do you think Don Cherry should leave you the guys the hell alone, or do you sort of understand where he is coming from?
We tried to be upset but come on its Don Cherry. We can't be upset with a legend. This guys been on my TV set for years and practically helped raise me to hate visors and divers. Don is a hockey god and we are honored any time he mentions us. However, I think if and when the Canucks can pull this off *knock on wood*, Donny should rock a green suit for the celebration.
Lego my Eggo bitch!
Do you guys "stuff" at all? I know if that was me, I would be stuffing like full grown zucchini or something like that.

Force uses a broken 9 iron and I have a 8.5 lb dumbbell in there.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

In closing I just want to add its always been my personal goal of mine to land a role opposite Tom Selleck in Mr. Baseball 2. So if anyone knows a good acting agent or perhaps Tom's valet or something please let me know. Thanks and Go Canucks Go!


See? I told it was hilarious. Thanks again to Sully for doing this. Great job.

Episode 30 of the Podcast is going to be a huge celebration. It will be posted on Tuesday, be sure to have a listen.

I want to send out a special congrats to the 2011 Mangler Cup Champions, Evan Olsen and Steve Garner, great job fellas, we will see you in the final next year. Super special shout out to Vance Booth for being so awesome, I love you Vance, you will always be my MVP.

If you want to join the blog party, feel free to do so by clicking on the beautiful piece of Man Meat here:

So, until next week,  Trojan Horse says "Those Green Men are pretty hilarious!" See ya'll next week.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Another Lazy Blog, That Will Hopefully Make You Laugh!

So it's the time of the week again, I have five minutes to write a "Thoughts of the Week" blog. If I don't finish writing this blog in the allotted five minutes, I will buy everyone who reads this an over priced beer at Boston Pizza! Deal? Deal. As the great big John McCarthy would say "Let's get it on!!"

Big John getting the blog party started!
 Start the clock please.

- Tiger Woods pulled out of The Players Championship after only 9 holes!! He shot a 42 over those 9 holes, so something is really wrong with the lady killer. I thought once he was back on the whores, everything would be fine, but I guess I was wrong. This could be really bad for the PGA........ and no, I refuse to make a joke about the term pulled out that I used at the start of this paragraph, that's just crude, and my mom reads this!

Tiger, back when he could still golf, poor guy. I miss this Tiger
- The Toronto Blue Jays look to be back on track! Thank goodness. They finished off a mini sweep of the Boston Red Sox with a 9 to 3 shellacking on Wednesday night. Only 75 more wins to go before my prediction of a Wildcard finish is a reality! If they want to get there, get rid of Edwin "E-5" Encarnacion, call up Lawrie, and everyone STOP getting injured, that should do it.

Fuck you Edwin, get the hell off my team! You suck.....Jackass!
- Is it too early to start the Jose Bautista for MVP talk? I hate to say Atotasoe, but A fucking Totasoe!

Time Check: 1:54 - A little long, but not bad, moving along!

- I was on the Richard Brown Show on Newstalk Radio a couple of times over the last couple of weeks, talking about the NHL playoffs, and making some picks with The Regina Leader Post's Rob Vanstone. First off, I love the Van Man, he is god's gift to not only media, but the world! Second, I am terrible at making picks, he is roasting me, but like my boy Pistol Pete always tells me, I am a slave to the odds!

- I will be on the Richard Brown show again tonight, at 5:35 pm, on Newstalk 650. So if you want to hear me sound like an idiot, tune in! I am always good for a laugh or two, and never on purpose. This will hopefully be turned into a weekly gig, so that would be sweet. Looks like the Podcast is starting to pay off!

That's me with Endo's old dog Marley! She was awesome! We look cute together don't we!
Time Check - 2:45 - That's more like it!

- I fucking LOVE the Heat. My boy Lebron and company finished off the Celtics on Wednesday night. That was no doubt their biggest obstacle. The Bulls shouldn't give them much trouble. Now we can all enjoy watching them cruise to the NBA title, and I truly think they deserve it. After all the shit they have been through, good for them.

-  I am very happy for Chris Bosh. I loved him as a Raptor, and I love him now, not because of the way he plays, but because of how hilarious the guy is! Always makes me laugh, and that will get you in my good books!
I love Bosh, he is really funny, so stop being so mean to him!
- I know this is a little late, but I am VERY happy with my boy Patrick Peterson getting drafted by my beloved Arizona Cardinals! With him lining up across from my boy Dominique Rogers-Cromartie, the Cards defence just got a LOT better, not to mention the return game. What's that? There isn't going to be an NFL season? I ment the Cards will be a LOT better on Madden 12 this year.

- The Rhinos are 1 and 0, thanks to two old, sexy dudes! My man Donnie threw a complete game, while my other main man Armand hit the walk off single to win in the bottom of the seventh. Biggest story of the game though, was me chewing over half a tin of Skoal Citrus. What? It tastes like candy! That's not gross is it?

Time Check - 3:50 - Oh man, I still got some time to kill! What to talk about, what to talk about......... OH! I know! How about a list of a couple of commercials that I can't stand right now:

- The Boston Pizza wing guy! He is a huge loser, using stupid made up terms for wings, that just genuinely are NOT funny! Get rid of the wing guy BP's! Until then, I will NOT be buying over priced food and drink from you, thank you very much.

Don't you look at me with that stupid face! You are NOT funny! So frig off already!
- Dos Equis Most interesting man in the world! Give it up, you arn't interesting, you were the first time I saw you, then you were constantly rammed down my throat, with out my consent! That shit doesn't fly man. Get the fuck off my screen, at least come up with some funny lines? "He bowls overhand" OH WOW!! Guess what fucker, so do I, the difference is I actually REALLY do bowl overhand. You can check the roof at Eastview Bowl for proof, does that make me interesting, I don't think so.

Time Check - 4:59 - Whew! That was close, I almost had to buy my mom an over priced beer from BP's, and that would be really hard since I am boycotting them big time right now.

So there you go, another easy, lazy blog, You're welcome internets!

A quick CONGRATULATIONS to my good pals Chris and Nav who won some competition about inventing stuff and the such! I am proud of you guys, and I love you.

Again, I will be on the air tonight at 5:35 pm on Newstalk 650, so have a listen if you enjoy listening to people embarrass themselves.

This weeks podcast was pretty funny, Big C was on, and we talked about Tetris Tampons! Check it out here:
If you like video games, check out my buddy Scott's podcast! You can get to it here:

It's pretty freaking awesome!

If you want to join the blog party, feel free to do so by clicking on the beautiful piece of Man Meat here:

So, until next week,  Trojan Horse says "Gary, you are sooooooo LAZY!" See ya'll next week.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Little Interview With Keenen Cahill, Yep, THAT Keenen Cahill

Alright guys, this is a very special moment for me. Every now and then I try to reach out to people who I am interested in meeting, 95 percent of the time, I never hear back from them, this time, I got lucky.

If you have never heard of Keenen Cahill before, don't feel bad, most people don't know his name, they just know him as "That guy that does those HILARIOUS lip syncing videos".

Yep, this kid is a BIG DEAL!
G - So I was trying to figure out how to describe what it is you do with your videos, and I figured I would call it air band, times a thousand!! I love your videos, how did all this get started?
K - I got a Mac Desktop as a present… I decided to make videos of me singing.  The views weren’t very good, so I started to lip-sync videos and the views were bigger.

Count Cockula told me he sort of looks like Verno, I can see it.
So you have become a huge hit not just in the music world, but in the sports world as well. Who was the funnest athlete to work with? 

 The funnest athlete was Brian Wilson of the San Francisco Giants 
Keenen with Giants Closer Brian Wilson.
Out of all the people you have collaborated with, you must have a lot of wild stories, can you tell me your best one?

Actually, nothing was too wild.  I’m 16, so everything is pretty organized by my managers David Graham and Mark Long.  The last Vegas trip, George Maloof (of the Palms) gave me the Hardwood Suite and we had to shoot with 4 different people in a day (Lil Jon, Nick Cannon, Joey McIntyre of NKOTB and DJ Pauly D)

Keenen with Fiddy!
Judging by some of your vids, it looks like your a bit of a sports fan, so who do you think will take the NBA title this year? As well, bonus question, are you a hockey fan at all? If so, who you got to win the Stanley Cup?

-           I am a HUGE Bulls Fan and I hope they win the title
-           I don’t watch hockey, but I hope the Blackhawks win 
So there you have it. Another great interview in the bag. I would like to thank Keenen for taking the time to answer a couple quick questions, and all 4 of you for reading this (thanks again mom!).

As well, a huge thank you needs to go out to all the people that attended the G.G.L.A.D. foundation fundraiser on the weekend. All the money is going to a great cause, so be very proud of yourselves.

(Apparently a big thank you as well to the body builders for letting us use their VIP booth!)

We had some big time guests on the Podcast this week, as well, our shirt contest is still going on! All the details are right here:

If you like video games, check out my buddy Scott's podcast! You can get to it here:

It's pretty freaking awesome!

If you want to join the blog party, feel free to do so by clicking on the beautiful piece of Man Meat here:

So, until next week,  Trojan Horse says "That is one funny kid!" See ya'll next week.

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Interview With Hugo From Bluebird Banter!!

So a couple of years ago, my buddy, the CEO of Bloganomics, aka, Jason Mazzei told me to check out a website called Bluebird Banter. I said "You got it J-swayze!" and over I went, and I immediately fell in love with the site.

It is full of Blue Jays info, enough to make a guy sound as nerdy as Screech Powers on Science Fair day. I decided to reach out to the boys that run the site to see if  I could get a quick interview, and low and behold, Hugo, from the site got back to me, and together, we gave birth to this beauty of an interview.

My Hero!
G - I have been a fan of your site for along time, it is often where I go to scoop all my friends on Jays news, how did the whole thing get started?

H - Well, I wasn't around for the very beginning, so I can't speak to that.  I got involved almost a year after the site's creation. I was a regular poster on the site and one day the then-site manager asked me if I would help out running the site.  It was quite small then.  

Thanks to the great work of my co-bloggers, the great commenters we have on the site, and SB Nation's incredible platform, we have grown and now have hundreds of thousands of visits each month.  Our goal is to create a place where fans can come and have fun and intelligent conversations about the Jays, both in the heat of the moment (in our gamethreads), and after cooler heads have prevailed. 

I noticed you like to use Star Wars References in a lot of your posts, I also love to use Star Wars references. Tell me the nerdiest Star Wars sentence you have ever said. Mine was "We need to send Cecil back to the Taschi Station to get a new arm!!"

We have a pretty strong nerd representation among the site's bloggers.  Star Wars is us at our most mainstream, though to quote it fondly we all have to pretend Episodes I-III never happened.  I still like to yell "It's a trap!" in my best Admiral Ackbar whenever there's a pitchout.
What a line! I love the Admiral!
Through 16 games this year, we have seen two TOTALLY different teams. Which one do you think is for real? The one that got out to the hot start, or the one that is currently ice cold?

Good question.  I am very confident that guys like Adam Lind and Travis Snider are going to hit, and Aaron Hill has been seeing the ball better lately.  The starting pitching is still a work in progress, but I think having Brandon Morrow back is going to help a lot, and there are some good arms in the minors that can help out too.  

The Boston series was just plain ugly, but no one's as bad as they look after a bad series (particularly one in Fenway).  I'm hoping the coming homestand will help.  Over the long haul of the season, I don't think the Jays have the hitters to keep up with New York or Boston, but I do think the Jays are a good team that is only improving.

Kyle Drabek will be the key to a Wildcard birth this year.
What do you see as the biggest problem with this team right now? As well, what is their biggest positive they have going for them?

I don't know if I'd call it a "problem," but the Jays have a fairly big hole at the moment at third base and DH.  Edwin Encarnacion seems to have lost Farrell's faith at third, and Jason Nix and John McDonald aren't anything but adequate short-term fill-ins.  It seems overly simplistic, but going up and down the lineup, the biggest problem right now is that a lot of the Jays players just aren't hitting at the moment.  I expect that to change for most of them, but I also think a couple of players just don't really have roles on this team, let alone going forward.  

The biggest positive the Jays have is an abundance of young talent and a GM with a long-term vision.  The Jays have holes at DH and 3rd base at the moment, and David Cooper, Eric Thames, and Brett Lawrie are tearing up AAA and could fill those spots.  Granted, it is a hitter's environment down there, but all of those players were very well-regarded prospects (Lawrie and Cooper were mid-first-rounders, Thames slipped only because of injury concerns) so there's reason to believe that each can contribute at the major-league level.

Lawrie would probably be up already if he weren't adjusting to learning a brand-new position in Las Vegas.  Pitching-wise, the Jays are in even better shape organizationally.  And of course with the way the Jays have worked the free agent compensation system, the June draft should be yet another big infusion of talent into the Jays' system.
The ace of the staff, Ricky Romero has looked great thus far, too bad the bats can't follow his lead.
I have this team winning the Wildcard, with 94 ish wins. I think with Morrow getting back into the rotation, along with the return of Frank Francisco should right the ship. As far as the bats go, get rid of Rivera now, bring up Lawrie, let him play third, Nix to the bench, or DH (I like him over Encarnacion right now.) and let's call it a Wildcard. Am I crazy, or are you with me?

I think Morrow and Francisco will help quite a bit.  While I think the pitching staff is suffering substantially from the loss of Shaun MarcumLawrie for Shaun.  I'd love to see Lawrie in the majors, too, but it's clear from the number of errors he's had in AAA that he's still learning the ropes at third and I think it's too much to expect him to try to adjust to major-league pitching and to learn to play third on the job.  

That said, once he's got the basics, Butterfield is the one to teach him, so I'm hoping the team doesn't wait too long - I'd like to see him by the all-star break.  I'm not sure the Jays have the firepower to hang with the Yankees or the Sox over the long haul of a season, but Boston and Tampa's slow start have really given them an opening if they can take advantage of it.  So far they haven't, but the Jays have the pitching to rattle off a long hot streak and if the bats come around like they should, maybe just enough hitting to get the job done.   

Anything else you would like to add?

Thanks for having me, and let's go Jays!

There you have it! A big thank you to Hugo for doing this, and big thanks to all of you for reading (aka Mom).

******* In totally unrelated news, I have a bunch of  tickets I need to sell to the big G.G.L.A.D. foundation fundraiser that's going down next Saturday night. The money goes to my bestest pal, the Silkamatic 5000, aka Greg Dubetz. So if you want a ticket, email me and let me know: (I know, it's almost time to ditch the high school email address.......almost.) *********

 Our shirt contest is still going on over at the Ol' Podcast party! All the details are right here:

If you want to join the blog party, feel free to do so by clicking on the beautiful piece of Man Meat here:

So, until next week,  Trojan Horse says " Go Jays Go!!" See ya'll next week.

Kyle And Gary's Super Awesome Podcast!!!!!!!

Episode 31

Episode 31 - The Tabaracci Fuhr Show

Episode 31 - The Tabaracci Fuhr Show is brought to you by:


@ michaelgarnett

@ garndogg

And dedicated to our boy Gregory Dubetz....... Heaven just got a LOT more Silky!!!

Email us anytime at

- Sponsor and contributor Michael Garnett and Show Lawyer The Big Vern join the show, and we couldn't be more happy to have them!!!

- NHL Playoff talk, how do you see this thing finishing up?

- NBA Talk, same question!!

- We debut our new song titled "Where Is El Dandy??"

- A low blood sugar level led to an airplane groping..........we'll touch on that.

- Osama Bin Laden....... Sex Machine?

- Is Shaq one of the greatest ever?

- This weeks Porno Parody Party movies are "X-Men - First Class" and "Super 8"

- As well, we have another Jeff Wickstrom cliff hanger!

It’s Fighting Stupid - Weekly Stupidity

I love this man, he is the better half of the legendary Saskatoon hip hop group Fresh and Dandy.

Ladies and Gentleman, I give you, EL DANDY! Click the logo!