Rocking The Blog World.............Hard As Fack
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I Don't Like Russian Hockey............ Do I???
Thoughts of Alexei Kovalev come to mind when I think of a good example of Russian diving. Who could ever forget this beauty: (Click him for the vid)
I don't know if you heard about this yet, but the Russians were kicked off their plane for being to drunk after their 5 to 3 gold medal victory over Canada at the World Juniors last week. How awesome is that??
After I heard about this, I said to myself "Gary, I think you might like the Russians." Then I followed that with "You drank too much Vodka again big guy, what ever you do, DON'T call any girls, and DON'T eat the three month old hamburger helper in the fridge!"
Looking to delve deeper into this recently discovered "New Me", I sent an early copy to the Maestro of Bloganomics to help me figure out what was wrong with me, and sure enough, he sends me back a message saying that he loves the Russians, and this video: (Click the pic!)
And now I gots to say, I sort of think I like Alexei Kovalev.... what is wrong with me.
Then I see this: (Do I really need to tell you to click the pic, you know to do that right?)
Go to the 1:43 mark.......... It's official, I like Kovalev, anyone that moonwalks on ice, is my kind of guy.
I have now learned two things, I sort of like the Russians, and I do like Alexei Kovalev. Then I learned another stunning fact from my boy the Maestro, and I quote "Here is a stat for you. the year before the lockout there were 60 NHL skaters that hailed from Russia, not including players from territories or new countries no longer part of the USSR. Like Kazakhstan."
The Maestro continues...
"This year merely 24 have played at least on game so far this year. With the emergence of the KHL (and who knows the true state of that league) we don't get the mix of talent or player types anymore. The highly skilled Russians come over and are expected to make a top 6 forward like impact or they don't stick around for many years."
Isn't that crazy? Only 24 Russians in the show right now, that's not even enough for one team.
So, what did we learn today Ryan and Jason? I guess if we learned anything, it's that the Russians are leaving the NHL, and the old me would have been OK with that, but the new me is a little bit sad, and as for my hatred for Russian hockey, Mr Lahey was wrong.... A shit Leopard CAN change it's spots. (Click Ol' Jimmy)
So, what happened on Kyle And Gary's Super Awesome Podcast this week you ask?
Episode 13 - The Dan Marino
Email us anytime at hot_to_trot101@hotmail.com
- In this episode...... Our new listener of the week Jeff Thiessen asks the panel "How about Robbie Alomar giving people Aids?" ......... Camilo Vilegas gets screwed over, by a fan, watching on tv, and calling it in........... Drunk Russians are the best Russians........ NFL Playoff Expansion?.......The greatest license plate of all time is being reprimanded..... Golden radio bum gets job, how long will this last?........ Hold on a sc, Ben Cocklessberger can get married after raping girls in bathrooms all across America, but Mick Vick can't have a dog???? C'mon man! ......The World Galaga Record has fallen, and not by Kyle or Gary
- Blake Griffen will save the slam dunk comp!..The NFL has signed a deal to keep Monday Night Football around until 2023, for the low low price of 2 BILLION dollars per year...... Where will Vince Young end up?.... Douche bag wants to be douchey, will you douche with him?...... A new He-Man Video Game?????? Let's facking hope so......Grandma stole some crab meat and some Wii Games
All that plus NFL picks, NHL hockey talk and much, much more!!!!
So, until next week, Trojan Horse says "I love Russian women!" Me too Trojan Horse....... me too.
Kyle And Gary's Super Awesome Podcast!!!!!!!
Episode 31 - The Tabaracci Fuhr Show
Episode 31 - The Tabaracci Fuhr Show is brought to you by:
@ michaelgarnett
@ garndogg
And dedicated to our boy Gregory Dubetz....... Heaven just got a LOT more Silky!!!
Email us anytime at hot_to_trot101@hotmail.com
- Sponsor and contributor Michael Garnett and Show Lawyer The Big Vern join the show, and we couldn't be more happy to have them!!!
- NHL Playoff talk, how do you see this thing finishing up?
- NBA Talk, same question!!
- We debut our new song titled "Where Is El Dandy??"
- A low blood sugar level led to an airplane groping..........we'll touch on that.
- Osama Bin Laden....... Sex Machine?
- Is Shaq one of the greatest ever?
- This weeks Porno Parody Party movies are "X-Men - First Class" and "Super 8"
- As well, we have another Jeff Wickstrom cliff hanger!
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