So after a fantastic day full of fun and excitement, and a bunch of other stuff I can't really remember, we named this year's Silkamatic Classic Champions, and once again, the Skin Flutes drank from the sacred cup!
I caught up with the captain of the Flutes, for a little post Tourney interview, to see how he was feeling, what he thought of this years SwaRay , and who looked sexier at the tournament, Pistol Pete, or yours truly. Here is what he had to say.
So Scott, it looks like your bold predictions came true, you are the first ever Two Time Champion of the Silkamatic Classic, how does it feel? You going to Disneyland?
G, I have been hanging hockey Banners since grade school! We knew along with everybody else participating in the tourney that we would win again. It felt like a normal Saturday to me. When you hang banners as often as the Skin Flutes do it just becomes a formality.
This is a before and after photo of a Scott McQueen that apparently lost some weight... Congrats Scott! |
Who did you find to be your toughest opponent this year?
Deciding what to wear was difficult this year. Also what to have for lunch after our 19-1 drubbing of some team that I hope does not get the invite back.
Here's a dirt biker Scott McQueen, sweet moves bra! |
If there was an MVP award to be handed out, who would you give it to?
Each member of the Flutes has countless MVP trophies stashed away in dead spaces throughout our houses. If I had to give it one player I will have to go with Dan “Huge Sac” Hulak, this guy is like Nick Lidstrom back there. I’m not sure if you noticed but while playing in the semi-final and final Dan closed 5 business deals on his IPhone while signing autographs and managed to score important goals from the red line!
Here's a book, written by a Jeremy Scott McQueen, very racey! |
Between me and my Associate, Peter Trumpy, who do you think drank more during the day/looked sexier at the tournament?
It’s very hard for me to answer this question. Peter Trumpy is known for his stunning good looks and his tall lean frame but on this very Saturday I did see all eyes on a man named Gary. From so called Bar managers ( Both male & female ) and all tournament participants everybody seemed to have a twinkle in their eye for the G.
It could be the long soft flowing blond hair, or the way you commanded the Mic all day but it was known to all that Gary owned the room. On the other hand Pete did try to sleep in a snow bank after he left the bar. It was close in both categories but I will have to go with Scott McQueen.
Here's Mr. McQueen from "Urine Good Company" Not sure what they sell, but I'm buying! |
What do you think about the rumors going around that you guys weren't drinking as much as the rest of the teams?
It was the same rumor as in 2010. When you are up against an opponent who you know you can’t beat and who is so much better looking and more athletic than you are you start to dig deep and find things to try and get them off their game. As you can see it didn’t work. Teams were trying to tell themselves that we weren’t drinking so they wouldn’t drink thinking that they might actually have a chance. We actually upped our drinking this year so we would finish first in that department.
How many teams did you see shooting Jag and Prairie Fire’s before the playoff rounds while 3 empty buckets of downed Bud Soldiers lay to rest on their table? Exactly! Only the Skin Flutes could handle such things. We were actually going up to teams and telling them to buy us a round for wasting our time during our previous games. Not only did we destroy six new marriages with our delicious looks we out drank every team while putting out an effort level of 14%. That’s 4% less of an effort than I predicted.
So what kind of off season conditioning are you looking at to make sure the Skin Flutes Three Peat?
Make sure? Next Question!
Finally, a picture of me in a pair of McQueen underwear! Special thanks to Kayla for stealing me these out of the hamper. |
Anything else you would like to add before we call this bitch a shinny tournament?
The Skin Flutes would like to again thank Greg Dubetz who is the true MVP of all this. He is an awesome friend and an inspiration to everybody who attended the tournament.
So there you have it. I would personally like to thank each and every one of you as well, for showing up, and making this years tourney an even bigger success than last year. Your great attitudes and generous hearts were the reason we all had such a great time, so thank you, thank you, thank you.
I honestly can't wait till next year.
I leave you all with a quote from one of my favorite people on the planet, Chris Ryan:
" Well fack me, you guys run a pretty fun little tournament here eh? ....... I am having a FANTASTIC time!"
I hope you all did as well, see you next year.
P.S. Does anyone know where I can get a pair of those track pants that Greg was rocking? I guess I could just steal Silky's, but I would definitely have to get a taylor to bring in the "in seam".
What happened on
Kyle And Gary's Super Awesome Podcast last week? Nothing, the Silkamatic classic was on stupid! Coming up this week though, we got a real doozey lined up!
We are coming in hot..... like Sea Biscuit! The show has a couple of new sponsors, we will introduce you to them, as well as some hilarious email's, including a gem from Boontis, will he be our listener of the week? Who knows. Charlie Sheen talk? Obviously. NHL talk? You bet your balls! What else should we talk about?
Let us know! I am sure you have something you want to say. Email the show, do it!
Just send your questions/requests/chirps/ by clicking this email address right here:
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So, until next week, Trojan Horse says "Thanks for being awesome! All of you!" See ya'll next week.
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