So every now and then, I like to get together with people who have done far more with their lives than I have, or ever will! This time I decided to catch up with my pal, Professional Stand Up Comedian Myles Morrison.
(Click the picture to see him in action at the Seattle Comedy Underground)
So how is the Comedy life treating you? It’s pretty good. It's got its up and its downs. If I could compare it to anything, it would probably be most like being a battered wife. It promises great things and then it sucks, things get worse, I call my mom crying, she says I should leave comedy, but it looks like things will get better so I stay with it, haha.
Actually it’s going really well. I just got back from performing overseas for the NATO soldiers in Kosovo as part of the “Ineligible Bachelors” Comedy Tour. The tour also went to the UK & Germany, so it was a blast getting to perform in places where there’s not a lot to laugh about. The locals aren’t that funny.
So Handsome right? Dreamy even! |
Are there any groupies in the Stand up comic industry? If so, what do you guys call them? I would call them Mic Stands, but that's just me.
Yeah for sure there is. Just like hockey players have "pucks", stand-up comedy has groupies too. We just call them “skanks” though. There's no cute term for them that relates to comedy. We just call it how it is. Although, when I say "skanks" I mean that in the most affectionate and pleasant way possible.
Many of those skanks are very dear to my heart. There's a lot less groupies for comedians than there are for musicians and athletes though. Girls tend to find athletes masculine, and musicians deep and mysterious, but when it comes to comedians I think girls just find them to be hairy & weird, so girls just leave us alone for the most part.
Since this is a sports related blog, and I know you are a big NHL fan, who you got to win the cup this year, and why? I always blindly put my money on the Vancouver Canucks. I wouldn’t feel like a real fan if I didn’t. That said the Penguins have been unreal this year. I think they’ve got the best chance, and they’re so fun to watch. I hope they make it to the finals just for the entertainment factor. I also legitimately think Vancouver could be a dark horse for a cup run.
That winning streak they were on (before those Godforsaken Rangers put a stop to it) shows how much potential they have this season. Plus they've got by far the coolest Stan Lee NHL All-Star super-hero Guardian by far. Have you seen those things? The Canucks one is like Batman and the rest of them are super gay. Does Stan Lee even know what a Blue Jacket is? And why does the Capitals Guardian have wristbands? He looks like he's ready for a basketball scrub game.
He does look pretty facking bad ass! |
So your Canucks are on a bit of a skid right now, what is the craziest thing you would do to guarantee a Stanley Cup for your boys? I am saying, if you did this crazy thing, BAM, Stanley Cup. Naked Bungee jumping. I'm wicked scared of heights so that would be a tough one for me. My girlfriend and I were in Disneyland last October and I had a swearing fit on the Ferris wheel. She was like "settle down, it's just a Ferris wheel" and the kid in the basket above us was like "mommy, what's an f-bomb?". So yeah bungee jumping for sure. I'd do it naked because being naked is awesome.
I have played shinny with you before, and you were pretty good, if you were ever a pro hockey player, what position would you play, and why?
Thanks man, I'd be a backup goalie because I'm super lazy. Plus the pressure is off because usually the other goalie has messed up so bad that they had to pull him, so even if you do get called in, you can pretty much do what you want in net. I'd still shower with the team after the game though just so I could feel more like part of the team.
This is the guy Myles would want to back! Martin Brodeur has started over 70 games in 11 of his last 13 seasons |
Any moves you would like to see made by Vancouver before the trade deadline?
Realistically, It would be nice to have Willie Mitchell back from the Kings. We’re lacking a little in defence, but I think we’ve got a pretty well-rounded team, that’s why I think they’ve got a legitimate chance to make some noise in the playoffs. That said if I could do anything, I’d bring back Scotty Bowman out of retirement to be assistant coach of the Canucks, and have the Pro-Stars cartoons (Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky & Bo Jackson) round out the third line. I’d also trade Bettman back to the NBA so he can stop trying to put hockey teams in the desert.
(Click on the pic of Myles's line 3 for the intro, AWESOME!)
Hilary Duff, and Carrie Underwood are hockey WAGS (sports Wives And Girlfriends), married to Mike Comrie and Mike Fisher respectably, if you were a pro player, who would you want to be your special lady? Rihanna for sure. She's smoking hot, and there's no way I could be a worse boyfriend than Chris Brown.
Anything else you want to throw in?
I want to hear your predictions for this year’s playoffs too Gary!
Well Myles, I am going to be doing a blog about this a little closer to playoff time, but, you gots to like the Bruins right? They are the best team in the NHL right now, and I love them, so let's go ahead and make them my early pick.
Alright, so where can people see you live and in action?
I’ll be performing regularly at Avacado’s on 8th St. on Sundays and Beilys on 8th St. on Mondays, both at 9pm. I’ll be around the next few months, we’ll have to get another shinny game together. Coincidentally, some Canadian Comedians and I are filming a movie called “Sure Shot Dombrowski” in the summer (it’s about a gay hockey player) so watch for that, haha. For anyone interested you can follow me on Twitter @mylesmorrisonsk and watch my clips on my website
Thanks for having me.
Thanks Myles! Look for him coming up soon on the Kyle and Gary's Super Awesome Podcast.
Speak of, what happened on
Kyle And Gary's Super Awesome Podcast this week?
New Listener of the week Will Stuart asks about Back to the Future, WWF wrestling, and athletes not being able to control their wangs..............Another guy watching golf on the TV, gets a PGA Tour Pro DQ'd......... What would you get customized on the back of your Hockey sweater?.......... Halftime Lap Dances at Lacrosse game? I think I like Lacrosse now......... What was your favorite video game of 2010?........... Mom loses 6 kids over game addiction.. C'mon Man!......... Tiger Woods finally gets Naked Girls in his golf game......... Peyton Manning, Fantasy Football and Unicorns Oh My!!!............. Sports fans are all a bunch of Drunks!!.......... Would you buy photos of Tennis players getting lap dances and menstruating?...... I know, gross right?....... NBA Live, inspires a man to break the record for most threes taken in a game..................... Crushed up deer antler steroid spray, not illegal??................. AND Candy Deepthroat is back! Everyone's favorite Twitter call girl....
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My Buddy Scott's Video Game Radio Show, very nice.
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So, until next week, Trojan Horse says "I like that Myles Guy, he's funny, so funny he made my voice a little hoarse.... from laughing so much!" Brutal Trojan Horse, brutal. See ya'll next week.
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